Bago’s 2024 Seasonal Maze - The Spider Web

Exploring The Spiderweb Maze

As the summer season unfolds, Ian, our talented Landscape Architect, has once again worked his magic to create a captivating experience for all of you. This season’s pop-up field maze is inspired by one of nature’s beautiful wonders…the humble spiderweb.

Nestled within our Sorghum field, this intricate maze offers a unique challenge for adventurers, inviting them on a wonderful journey. Getting lost has never been so exciting.

As you immerse yourself in the spiderweb maze, allow your senses to guide you. The rustling of the Sorghum stalks, the gentle breeze, and the sound of nature will have you completely in the moment! Embrace the adventure, and let the maze lead you on a captivating journey of discovery.

Entry into the spiderweb maze is included with our standard maze ticket, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to embark on this enchanting adventure. So, gather your friends and family!

Open Until Friday, 26th January 2024.